This website is a window of hope, opened after hard work , research , scientific scrutiny and personal investment: material and moral, took me more than a year of planning and achieving this concretization ,to offer it to all my loved ones, to my brothers and friends in the world ,and to all to the humanity to benefit from it ,and to be a brick of The human resources developement which is undoubtedly the Renaissance locomotiv for all nations. This is a personal effort not aimed to make a material profit, but to achieve a social and human profit that has no price. It is a treasure for those who have no treasure and support for every social weak person who does not have the material resources or suffers for some reason ,from blocking the right vision and direction. This project is one of the ways through which, they can achieve their academic and professional aspirations
This community project ,is dedicated to all students, university students, engineers, technicians, engineers, university professors, doctors, researchers and other people who may have been plagued with wasting time, despite their availability of Internet connectivity. Each one of them ,according to his needs and goals, will be able to fulfill his educational, professional and cognitive aspirations in general. It is a dream ,I have long dreamed of ,and has become a noble reality . Share what I have ,from the wealth and wealth of knowledge, modestly , to light the road to those around me ,who i know and who i do not know and for which I hope success and prosperity
Happiness and despite importance given to the role of resources ,do not emanate from possession and empowerment, as many people may think, but from sharing and humility, and who think by owning themselves ,achieve happiness,He is an idiot who digs the grave of unhappiness with his hand
Every individual in our societies has a role to play towards his family and towards the vulnerable groups of the poor, the destitute, the sick and the unemployed. We must contribute as much as possible to lifting the injustice and social tragedies and scourges to reach the sustainable human development
In addition, all those who have a knowledge balance of frameworks, professors and engineers ,should share it with others and benefit others in associations, schools, or in real and virtual forums as part of the fight against ignorance
Because the content and balance of the human knowledge dies and it is lost when the life of an expert person ends.It is a great loss for him and for his society and for the humanity as a whole, when we can not benefit from his experience and his energy
Many examples are crowded with universities and public institutions which suffer from knowledge assets lost , after the loss of the person ,Who was the master in his competence and the maker of intellectual and community wealth
We aim through this site
Empowering the community groups in the world with limited income, from an effective means of free education and self development and in all fields of knowledge and science for all categories: students, students, technicians, engineers and doctors Teachers and all staffed or job-seeking positions. Through this site we help and guide them to the best free training platforms in the world in three languages: Arabic – French and English
Create educational, and developmental dynamism for all people aound the world to qualify themselves and to establish the necessary competencies qualifiying them to enter the work world or self-employment. This is possible through many sites through which they obtain free and high quality training (such as programming and field- IT ..) enables them to work through personal computers and from home
Enable all poeple to obtain free formations and training,free of charge in a variety of scientific fields from institutions and universities world leading such as the University of Harvard and the University of Masachosic, for example. And from various universities in Canada, Australia, France, Belgium, Germany and Japan to other leading countries in the fields of scientific and cognitive empowerment. Studying at these universities sometimes costs from 20,000 to 50,000 US dollars per year which is an obstacle we faced by a free studies of high quality throuth aour site which lead you to free MOOC platforms
Enable poeple anywhere in the world to access rare formations provided by the global institutions unknown to many people in the world ,free of charge in various areas of competence. The World Bank – International Monetary Fund United Nations – European Union – Development Bank of the Latin American Group – World Food and Agriculture Organization – World Health Organization – African Development Bank
Enable people and every citizen around the world to obtain recognized certificate and diplomas from academic and professional universities or schools of engineers
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